Honouring the Cycle of the Feminine, by Alice Howlett - The Wilder Method

Do you notice the weekly seasons of your menstrual cycle?

We are nature, everything that exists in the natural outer world exists within us. At different times during the month, you feel like restoring and resting like the winter, slowly beginning to bloom like the spring, becoming alive and vibrant like the summer, and then the slow turning in of autumn before the rest of winter is back.

We live in a time of estrogen dominance caused by many factors including stress, toxins and chemicals in our food and environment and a disconnect from nature. Estrogen is important for so many things including, growth, repair, energy, and reproduction, but too much causes inflammation from an imbalance within the body. Too much estrogen increases androgen hormones and imbalance in prolactin creating many of the women’s health conditions we see today, including PCOS and endometriosis. The liver can assist the body to clear out excess estrogen or can recycle and reuptake estrogen to keep it in the body.

Progesterone is important for the second stage of the cycle, the luteal stage, as it prepares for pregnancy or allows the endometrial lining to shed for a period without too much thickening of the uterus walls. Heavy periods often stem from high estrogen and low progesterone. An imbalance of progesterone contributes to period pain and inflammation through an increase in prostaglandins (the inflammatory cytokines that create cramping sensations), along with high estrogen.

The more we can honour our cycle and try to create a lifestyle around our flow we can massively improve our hormonal profile and increase our health as women. The female body is programmed to thrive when it moves with the seasons and cycles of your body. Let your hormone changes guide your life and believe me you will be shocked by the increase in intuition, better sleep, less stress, more energy, happier mind and moods and smoother periods. A woman’s body is an intricate system with constantly shifting moods and energy.


Winter ~ week 1 – around 1 – 6 days of your menstrual cycle, when you’re bleeding. The uterine lining sheds. This is when progesterone and estrogen are low. An important time to rest, be gentle, go slow, reflect, nurture and nourish. Increase your iron, vitamin C and b12, protein and omega 3 fatty acids to replenish blood loss and support this grounding time. Activities can focus on yin yoga, deep breathing, journaling, walking. Herbal medicines and teas to support this time include nettle, ginger, rosehip, lavender and lemon balm.

Spring ~ week 2 – when you’re in pre-ovulation phase and leading into ovulation. Follicular stage means pituitary gland releases FSH and LH, estrogen rising, follicles mature. This means prime time for production. Increasing energy and clarity. Support clearing any excess estrogen by eating liver cleansing vegetables (brassicas, citrus), more fibre and wholegrains, fermented foods and vitamin E for follicular health. Activities for this time include high energy movement, get outside and play, run, swim, pilates, anything you enjoy doing really. Commit to social events and plan projects. An ideal extrovert time. Herbs to support this stage include shatavari, dandelion and st marys thistle.

Summer ~ week 3 – around 14 – 21 days during your ovulation phase Ovulation: luteinising hormone (LH) stimulates the egg to release from the follicle (egg 12-24hr) – Estrogen is high and then starts to decline. Ovulation is a time where woman are most similar to men in terms of testosterone and sex hormones and energy. Still a time for increased motivation, passion, productive, expressive, and more outgoing. Focus on high protein foods to assist increased movement, foods rich in fibre and magnesium, plus liver cleansing foods to make sure any excess hormones are cleared out of the body and support a healthy digestion with lots of variety in your food choices for a diverse microbiome. Herbs for this time include calendula, chamomile, raspberry leaf and ginger.

Autumn ~ week 4 – around day 22- 29 during your luteal phase where you begin to slow down again and turn inwards. Progesterone is high during this stage. Observe heightened emotions, reflect and nurture, practice acts of compassion and kindness to yourself, lots of self-care, mindfulness, swimming, journaling, meditation and restorative yoga. Include antioxidant rich foods in your diet and focus on zinc, vitamin D and selenium to keep mood’s balanced. Herbs for this time include st johns wort, ginseng, saffron, schisandra and wild yam.

*Superfoods for happy hormones include; broccoli, sauerkraut, avocado, olive oil, walnuts, Brazil nuts. ginger, oily fish, spinach, pumpkin seeds, cacao, sesame and sunflower seeds, turmeric, cauliflower, hemps seeds, oysters, sweet potato, flaxseeds, psyllium and maca powder.

Written by Alice Howlett
The Wilder MethodShop 6/
1 Noble Parade, Dalmeny NSW 
BHSc. Naturopath (Herbalist, Nutritionist, Iridology)Massage, Yoga Teacher
ABN: 37 823 704 289/NHAA: 156995
0423 733 265


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